The New Devotional by Rev. Dr. Stephen A. Gammon
Because God… I Can
Twelve Themes on Following Jesus
Stephen A. Gammon knows well the blessing of following Jesus through life, having lived the lifelong privilege that is freely offered to each of us, of enjoying personal relationship and daily fellowship with God. Entering God’s presence every day to prayerfully listen, learn, love, and simply be in fellowship with God is a treasured, life-changing opportunity we can all enjoy. In this yearlong daily devotional, you will find helpful biblical lessons for following Jesus today.
Because life for us can be hard, we might sometimes conclude that we cannot do whatever it is God is calling us to. But through His Word, and in quiet times with Him as we listen, we hear God lovingly speak, showing us that in fact, because of who God is, and what God says and does, we really can.
Each month in this daily devotional a different theme is featured on following Jesus. Because God…I Can Believe, Trust, Receive, Pray, Praise, Love, Listen, Rest, Testify, Serve, Give, and Hope. God invites us to come near every day to listen, learn, and pray as we follow Jesus. Yes, Because God, We Can!
A daily schedule for reading the Bible through in a year is included.
Rev. Dr. Stephen A. Gammon
Stephen Gammon is a third-generation minister who has walked with God since early childhood. A pastor for 40 years, wherever and whenever God has led him, he has served in three local church pastorates, as a denominational leader of ministers and churches (Conservative Congregational Christian Conference), and as an Active Duty and Navy Reserve chaplain. He has walked with God on beautiful mountain tops and through deep and painful valleys, including personal loss and the hard struggle of enduring cancer. He loves sharing the joy and lessons learned from walking with God through it all. Steve and his wife, Helen, now reside in Northfield, Minnesota. They have three adult children and four grandsons.