Part 6: An Impossible Miracle

Part 6: An Impossible Miracle
“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you, and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze” (Isaiah 43:2).
The promise of Isaiah 43:2 is for today
There are some honestly sincere folks who worship such a puny little God that they find it impossible to confess a faith in the possibility of God fulfilling ALL His promises. One such promise is found in Isaiah 43:2. I could understand this if it were interpreted in terms of flames of affliction. But in the spring of 1948 I was to be taught the lesson of literal interpretation of this promise.
Facing a day’s journey I made an early visit to the village garage. While waiting for the mechanic to arrive, the pastor of the other church drove in the yard. Since his trip was more urgent than mine, I suggested that he be serviced first. Soon afterward the mechanic arrived and began work on my friend’s car. About that time an elderly neighbor, who had spent most of his time puttering about the garage, came into the other side where a truck was awaiting attention. Picking up a big pan of gasoline in which they had been cleaning gears, he started around the truck, stumbled and fell, drenching himself and the stove which heated the garage. In moments the man and the stove were a pyramid of flames.
At the cry of “Fire”, I leaped from my car and raced into the garage through the side door next to the truck. What I saw was terrifying. Without thought I thrust my hand through the flames that enveloped him, grasped the back of his jacket and spinning him around I headed him toward the door. After a few stumbling steps, he fell. I tried rather frantically to beat out the flames around his head with my hat. That proved futile. I then remembered my overcoat and wrapped it about his head and shoulders to smother the flames. Springing up I seized on his arms and dragged, or rather rolled, him toward the door. This proved most effective.
By the time the firemen and ambulance arrived from the nearby station, the flames were completely extinguished. My hat lay in a neat little pile of ashes. My overcoat was more than half-consumed, yet the suit, which I wore, had neither a scorch nor smoke stain. Surely the assurance in Isaiah 43:2 is completely trustworthy.