For I, the LORD your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, “Fear not, I am the One who helps you” (Isaiah 41:13). Listen to me… all who have been borne by me from before your birth, carried from the womb; even to your old age I am He, and to your gray hairs I will carry you… I will carry and will save (Isaiah 46:3-4). I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand. (John 20:28).
God always watches over His children; sometimes holding our hand, and sometimes carrying us, but always loving us, protecting us, and keeping us close. Consider the trouble little children can stumble into when someone is not keeping an eye on them, carrying them, guiding them, holding their hand. When a little child is held in love, what happens to their fear? They can know, “I am okay, for I am held now”. You and I can know this too, even today.
Through His prophet Isaiah God reminded the children of Israel who were then very afraid, just as He has often reminded me in times of trouble or danger, that He is holding me now. He holds you too. God reminds His children that He has always carried us, He carries us still, and He will carry us always, until we are old, and then forever. Jesus promised all who believe in Him, that He has given to us eternal life, and that we will never perish, for no one will snatch (us) out of (His) hand.
How very blessed we are to believe and receive the peace and confident security that comes from knowing I am held by God today and every day. Our God holds us forever.
For Prayerful Reflection: When have you been afraid or in trouble, and heard God’s reminder that He is holding you now? How can it help you today to know that God holds your hand?

God always watches over His children; sometimes holding our hand, and sometimes carrying us, but always loving us, protecting us, and keeping us close.