Renew My Passion, Lord!

Renew My Passion, Lord!
From 1980-1989, I served Darlington Congregational Church in Pawtucket, Rhode Island. I have many wonderful memories of those years, including the day when I was set apart and ordained as a minister of the Lord Jesus Christ. That event took place on February 22, 1981. I treasure the special photo that was taken of the holy moment when ten men of God laid hands on me in prayer, including my Grandfather, my Father, and eight other godly pastors, all joining in prayer that the Lord would anoint and equip me for a life in His service.
Many years after that special event I noticed the old picture had become yellowed, so I took it to a photo lab to have it restored and made to look new again. As I did this the Lord reminded me that He wants to renew in me and in all of us the passion He once burned into our hearts.
All who know the Risen Lord Jesus Christ have had holy moments when we knew God was touching us, calling us, speaking to us, or setting us apart for His service in some way. If you know Him as your Lord and Savior, you too may recall personal or corporate times when you heard Him speak to your heart or to your congregation, calling you individually or collectively to faith and obedience! If so, now is a very good time to renew the covenants you made before the Lord to follow Him, serve Him, care for His people, and declare His Word, faithfully serving Him for as long as He gives you breath!